Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Week 1

A big welcome back and a very special welcome to lovely Alyssa Hemopo a new girl in our class from Auckland. Also you will have received the school and Year 1 notices by now and realise we are having (weather permitting ) our Junior Athletics day on Friday morning. This is a fun morning with the year 2's and as we use the "Houses" for teams, please help your child choose something to wear that matches their house colour.
Next Tuesday is also our Tihi Reserve walk in the morning slot. In anticipation of this we have already begun our study around animal groups in The Living World Strand.This will lead into aspects of lifecycles , sustainability of species, environments and our contribution as "people" to these issues.
By the enthusiasm already I think we have some budding David Attenborough's in the making.

A reminder we will all need sunhats by next week and any new clothing please can you name these or use my pens at school to do so.Should any of your child's clothing go missing, just check our clothes basket first. If left outside I put them in there.

Well here is to a happy and exciting term and the attached photo shows we are on the way.....
Yes we do have fun at school even Bernie!

Room 9 with Bernie and Humpty ! Aren't  they a good looking bunch?

Friday, 7 October 2016

Term 4

Term 4 everyone and despite the weird holiday weather, the days are getting warmer and SUMMER is on it's way. We have a full 10 week term this time with only the Labour Day break as a holiday. The Student Led Conference day is in week 9 on the Friday. So circle Friday the 9th of December on your calendars.
 We will be covering a Sustainability Theme this term with a look at "The Living World" in particular Life Cycles and Animal groups. Our final Art for S.L.C. will also be around this theme.

Weeks 4-7 we will also have a teacher joining our class Her name is Teresa Brown so do say Hi if you see her before I can introduce you. Don't forget!! Junior Disco on Friday the 11th of November a social highlight I am sure, for everyone including me. What will I wear??????

Week 8: This is when we will be sharing the School Assembly with room 18. We intend to do our "Its a small world dance"  then, so Monday the 28th of November at 1.30pm is your chance to see your darlings in action should you wish to.

As you can see it will be a full on term with lots of love, laughter and learning and as it's my last term with your child a very special one for me.
 The room is ready, Bernie is preened and poised for action, tables set  ...... So let the term begin, see you all on Monday.
Mrs McLaughlin
Ps Don't forget your sunhats!