Thursday, 14 December 2017

Thankyou Lauren ......

Thankyou Lauren for sharing your wonderful gingerbread house with the class. Such a generous thing to do and it was really Yummy.

In room 3 we can make and do anything if we try. Very impressed with this!

Amaze me Trip

What an amazing (excuse the pun)Trip we all had on Tuesday. The children who went were so well behaved and really appreciated by the staff there. It wouldn't of happened without the help of our Parent Helpers and I for one with no voice can't thank you enough for the role you played. Likewise Keryl Bawden our T.Aide has been exceptional with her help and was the brains behind the 'Magical' reindeer food! 
Our wonderful Parent Helpers

Your child will have probably told you I was losing my voice and I now have absolutely no voice, so I won't be back till Monday. I have heard Mrs Naidoo is looking after the class so I am sure all of their xmas crafts will get completed. Hopefully their folders got home in one piece and their reports (inside).
Monday despite being a shorter day is the day we will celebrate our year together and say our farewells in readiness for their class next year. While your child won't need lunch they will need a drink, hat and small snack lots of energy for our christmas party.
I would like to take this opportunity (should I not see you on the final day) to say a big thankyou for all your support and trust in me this year. They have all grown up so much and on Wednesday afternoon they returned from their new classrooms so happy and ready to embrace their next adventure in 2018. As a team, we've done well they are ready to make the world their own!
Best wishes for the summer break.
Nadine McLaughlin

Monday, 11 December 2017

Our family photos from Student Led Conferences 

The Smiles say it all!

Congratualtions to everyone for a wonderful conference day on Friday ;;

Hi everyone you may wish to view the wonderful family photos on our Photos page which I took on Friday . It was a great day for me witnessing just how much your child has grown hopefully they have had a restful weekend ready for some fun this week.
We have been looking at all the commercial trappings seen around us in shops. Now after our class activities last week they will  begin to understand some of the origins even countries they originated from. Please add any stories you may have from your country....👩

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

As the Mercury rises.....!

                                                Yes it is hot, no hotter than our classrooms.
Yes it was 28-29  Celsius in our room today with all windows ,doors open and the fan on!!!!
Yes we did melt so after lunch we doused the kids with the sprinkler  ...and by 2.00pm they were dry again.
Please send your child in light clothes at the moment...some have long sleeve jumpers on! and are really suffering.

Even hot in the shade!

Amazing what a bit of water can do to lift the spirits! 

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Week 7 ...

Week 7 is upon us and WOW what a busy term so far with the Assembly, amazing turnout for our Whanau Day, getting ready for our Student Led Conferences and of course all the excitement of  "The Season!"
Hopefully you have all received your time slots for the S.L.C. now and for those few who are still to return your slips please send them with your child so I can secure you a workable time.
It's a wonderful day where the children really reflect and share all their achievements this year and have their chance to show just how much they have matured this year....
I always have the camera ready and it's a wonderful opportunity for you to have a family photo as a souvenir of a special day / milestone in your child's life.

Many thanks for your attendance and support for the Room 3 School asssembly...
Just one small request, please does anyone have a class photo from the day. I didn't have my camera , too busy herding the excited butterflies on stage...especially when Mason won his bike and Maihi won one of the vouchers. Huge congratulations to those boys and their families. for an extraordinary effort.

Monday, 27 November 2017

Our wonderful Poets

Yassin delivering his The Dragon Dream

Harlow performing her "Pussy Cat  Pussy Cat"

Pia Delivering her poem

A big congratulations to all 3 class members not an easy task and especially on stage and with a large audience!

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Monday, 6 November 2017

My favourite!

Just couldn't resist this photo of such a happy class with all the personalities shining through!

Week 4

We said our farewells to Juan on Thursday with a shared lunch.
A relaxed and happy occasion for him to remember us by. Thankyou to all the parents who generously sent along food. Juan is moving to Perth with his family and promises to keep in touch via our Blog and email. We also gave Bilva a "Bon Voyage" card today as she will be going to India to see her family till the end of the year. She will be back for the start of 2018 though!

We certainly have had a lot of movement in our class this year - in and out but you can see by the smiles a happy bunch.

The Disco on Friday was really popular with lots of shared memories being discussed on Monday , along with their Firework adventures. Thankfully we had no injuries and all seemed to enjoy their experience.

This is the last week for Library books too so please can you ensure your child returns theirs by next Monday. It is a busy time for everyone and we are doing our bit to help the resource staff by getting all books and resources back on time for stock take,
A huge congratulations to everyone for a tremendous effort in selling the Chocolates this term. Our class was amazing!!!! to say the least and I can't wait to hear the final results.
 Don't forget we are doing the school assembly in week 6 Monday afternoon ,November 20 save this day on your calendar if you want to share your childs assembly. Until then, keep an eye on the notices and their bags for upcoming events and trips! As I said a busy term...

Thursday, 19 October 2017


A special week for our Indian community this week with a 5 day celebration of family, culture and food. We were lucky enough to have Bilva and her friends in traditional dress ready for their New Year tomorrow !.
Even Mrs McLaughlin had her special Handmade Indian dress on.

We certainly have a rich Tapestry of cultures at our school and so exciting to share!

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Welcome back to term 4

A big welcome to everyone for term 4. We have said farewell to Alexus and welcomed Aden to our class . A huge Otonga welcome to both Aden and his family, who have moved here from Auckland.
The term is very full with events so please keep an eye on all newsletters for special dates.
Today we had Coach Brent in to give us some "Professional" cricket coaching and the ball skills have really improved since Term 1.
 We have our school science fair next week on Wednesday and Thursday with Year 2 s putting their display in the Art Suite so be sure to check those out. Our science focus continues with all the class  creating a diarama to create a habitat for their chosen native animal.
We have also been discussing Diwalli in preparation for our celebration study this term. We will be comparing the festivals/ celebration  of Diwalli, Thanks Giving and Christmas to compare and find out their origins, meaning, special foods and customs associated with them and how in New Zealand we have blended the best together to put a uniquely New Zealand flavour on them. Hopefully this will generate some discussions in the home to include you in your childs' learning.

Don't forget we are also doing the School assembly on Monday November 20th 1.30 to 2.00pm should you want to come and see your child . So hope to see some of you then. Remember your child is expected to wear a sunhat this term too when outside....must find mine.😯😏

Some action shots? of future black caps? maybe......
Cricket practise with Coach Brent.
Enrolment is next Thursday after school.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Life Education wraps up the term!

Check out our photos on the PHOTOS page of our time with Harold in the Life Education trailer! The programme covering looking out for yourself and staying healthy was outlined in the 2 lessons we had. An individual booklet also came home for your child to share ideas with you.
Once again thankyou for all the support you gave this term, enjoy the holidays with "our" Angels and all come back rested, recharged and ready to go for the last and BEST part of the year!
We will be on school Assembly in week 6 , Science Fair in week 2, S.L.C. this term too.
NB: Don't forget your sunhats for the term 😏!

Just a few memories from the time with Harold and Bernie

Friday, 29 September 2017

Fond farewells to Alexus

We all enjoyed a shared tea party lunch on Thursday to say goodbye to Alexus who will be returning to Australia during the holidays. The photos say it all and a BIG thankyou for all the wonderful food that arrived. ( Hopefully you all got your plates back.) there was an excess which I saved for Friday and we had this for mornng tea just before watching "The Lorax " our theme for the first two weeks of term 4.
All smiles !

Alexus and her younger brother Axel in the seat of honour !

The Madhatters Tea Table