Friday, 23 June 2017

Te Puia

A wonderful trip with children really enjoying the many attractions. We want to thank all the wonderful parent helpers and encourage other family members to check out the photos in the class when they pick up or drop off their child.
Below a few more photos for our class photo album:- Check them out !

Whaea Carla welcomed us and explained the importance of the carved guardians over the sacred Pounamu and the entrance to Te Puia 

Whaea Carla also shared the Maori Weaving and Carving schools which are part of Te Puia.

The Large Greenstone (Pounamu) rock is a special treasure of Te Puia we all stroked it to add our positive energy to it.
Maihi, Blake and Cameron with their parent helpers in the Thermal Valley.

Tafadzwa and Pia with A.J.

Room 3  with the Geysers just finishing behind us in the Thermal Valley below.

Pohutu just beginning to spout behind the boys.

Checking out the steam boxes used to cook food for the Hangi

Roman shared his mum Rebecca with his friends. 

Benjamin shared his dad with his friends as they stood in front of the Thermal Valley

Adrian shared his mum with his group...they had a great time looking for rocks!

Bilva and the 2 Kaitlyns looked after Rachel.

Lilly and Alexus had a great time seeing all the thermal geysers with Sandra

 Building on that experience we are at present talking about the Winter Solstice and shortest "Sunlight " day of the year . This is to further expand on the idea of the Northern and Southern hemisphere being opposite seasons. We are also revisiting The legends associated around this time of the year with  Matariki and the planting seasons. Look out for our Kites soon to be completed.
This term has seen your child build their knowledge and understanding about rocks and what is beneath our feet. We have also covered the idea that Earth is finite. Everything is in cycles from insects, to animals and even our environment and rocks. The message being WE NEED TO LOOK AFTER what we have on Earth and not upset the balance in nature.
Next term we will continue to develop on this theme looking at the photosynthesis process of plants and their importance in the cycle of life on Earth.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Te Puia visit at Mid Winter....

What a great day we had, everyone present, a glorious sunny day and such a wonderful group of parents to support the class. A big thankyou to everyone. Even the Geysers spouted on time! Much to the delight of the crowd. Here are a few photos that really capture the day.
All fed and watered and ready to hit the bus.

OOPS no bus??? Time for an impromptu fitness lesson to keep warm in the keen southerly !

A little late but we are met and formally welcomed by Matua Guide Paul as the parents look on and are made honorary "Teachers" for the trip.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Bus powered by our positive energy and actions!

Hi everyone next time you are in our classroom check out our Class Energy Bus. Totally energised by our Good Deeds towards others and Personal Effort. The class have really embraced this theme and contributed to the "Energy Bus"

Week 6 and officially now Winter BRRRRRRR!

Yes we are now officially in Winter and hopefully you all made the most of the weather over the long weekend break! Leaves are now almost gone from the trees and winter sports well into their draws. Well done those children who have opted to play sports for Otonga too. Some children have also joined the Junior Kapa Haka. So if you wish your child to join also, let me know as it's still not too late to join.
Last week I met with most parents in the 3 way interviews. I apologise if you had to wait. While we as teachers try to keep on schedule and provide a warm place to wait; I didn't have any breaks at all on the nights between families so it did become challenging. Still I was pleased to see and share with you all. When you have finished with your child's folder please return this to school.
 Many thanks for those who have already done this. Look out for their goals pasted into their homework books."Book Fair" week was also very successful and a big thanks to all the parents who supported this on the night of our 3 way interviews with purchases.

Today we were very lucky with the weather and had an awesome afternoon at our Junior Cross Country. They ran like the wind today and it was great to see the support they gave other children running. It doesn't come easy to every child, however I was impressed with the effort every child made on the day. Special congratulations goes to Cara for coming second in her race with a spectacular sprint to the finish from third place!

While I was unable to attend the Pirate dress up day (Darn my favourite day) last Friday, due to being on a course Mrs Weir took some photos which capture some very mischievous pirates in room 3 on that day. Attached are the photos below......
This groups got the Treasure map!!!

This trio knows where the Treasure is by the look of those smiles!

These 3 pirates aren't giving any clues away!

3 Impish looking I wonder if they know where the Treasure is?

"No, not telling our lips are sealed!" 

Um...3 very laid back crew I wonder what they are hiding under those Hats?

Don't forget we have our trip to Te Puia coming up on Wednesday June 21st.  Look out for the notices coming home soon. If you wish to come with us, please return the attached form with your contact details. It will be a great trip and build on our work we have done so far about the  "rocks " we live upon in Rotorua.

Until next time ....
Nadine McLaughlin