A big welcome to everyone for term 4. We have said farewell to Alexus and welcomed Aden to our class . A huge Otonga welcome to both Aden and his family, who have moved here from Auckland.
The term is very full with events so please keep an eye on all newsletters for special dates.
Today we had Coach Brent in to give us some "Professional" cricket coaching and the ball skills have really improved since Term 1.
We have our school science fair next week on Wednesday and Thursday with Year 2 s putting their display in the Art Suite so be sure to check those out. Our science focus continues with all the class creating a diarama to create a habitat for their chosen native animal.
We have also been discussing Diwalli in preparation for our celebration study this term. We will be comparing the festivals/ celebration of Diwalli, Thanks Giving and Christmas to compare and find out their origins, meaning, special foods and customs associated with them and how in New Zealand we have blended the best together to put a uniquely New Zealand flavour on them. Hopefully this will generate some discussions in the home to include you in your childs' learning.
Don't forget we are also doing the School assembly on Monday November 20th 1.30 to 2.00pm should you want to come and see your child . So hope to see some of you then. Remember your child is expected to wear a sunhat this term too when outside....must find mine.😯😏
Some action shots? of future black caps? maybe......
Cricket practise with Coach Brent. Enrolment is next Thursday after school. |