Thursday, 15 December 2016

Final Farewells

As my final full day teaching in room 9 comes to an end, I would love to thank all the many parents, siblings, grandparents and caregivers who have helped or contributed to the class this year. Without your extra help things just wouldn't happen the from the bottom of my heart THANKYOU.

Many highlights come to mind as I reflect on the year. For me it's the look on your childs face of relief when they had finished their dance on stage. The closed eyes and silence and smiles as they sent a loving thought off to Eyjar and his family on losing his dad so suddenly. The giggles from the mat as I read the story of "Walter the Farting dog" and someones bottom on the mat doing a resoundig snore, the pride of reading out their Toy Diary entry to the class for the first time on their own, Winning the Principals cup and dressing up in National Costumes, and of course the relaxed SLC day where everyone had their time to shine!......the photos are merely  a snip but today as we went to our new classrooms I knew they were ready to move on to new challenges and Teachers. I'm fortunate 5 children are remaining with me and their treat today was to carry Bernie down to his new classroom. What a sight held aloft like a superhero ( wish I had had a camera.)

Tomorrow we have our final day and traditional xmas I'll do my best to tire them out and send them off for a well deserved break on a high!!!

Me ? I intend to recharge, catch up on my housework, windows and garden and eventually reboot for my 2017 year.
Thankyou for sharing your treasures with me  this year.
Have a happy and safe summer.
Best Wishes
Nadine McLaughlin.
Class of 2016 having a little fun 

Friday, 11 November 2016

Week 5 and counting ???????

Yes November here and the Junior Disco is upon us. Here we go !
Mrs Brown  has been with us now for 2 weeks and I'm sure many of you have either heard about her or met her in person. The term is as busy as expected ,SLC fast approaching. our class  trip planned (Rainbow Springs) so please let me know if you can come that day to help as a parent. Notices have gone home, but  let me know if you missed out on yours..
We have also heard from Lauren who will be back either on the 1st of December or 2nd
.Most important! Don't forget we also will be having "our slot" in the final assembly! on Monday the 28th.

As you can see from the photos , teeth are popping, legs are stretching   ( no not mine) and all the class are moving through another growth spurt. Amazing how they haven't got used to the larger feet yet, and still think they can fit into the smaller spaces.

room 9 November with Mrs Brown.

Tooth Fairy sure has been busy in Room 9

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Week 1

A big welcome back and a very special welcome to lovely Alyssa Hemopo a new girl in our class from Auckland. Also you will have received the school and Year 1 notices by now and realise we are having (weather permitting ) our Junior Athletics day on Friday morning. This is a fun morning with the year 2's and as we use the "Houses" for teams, please help your child choose something to wear that matches their house colour.
Next Tuesday is also our Tihi Reserve walk in the morning slot. In anticipation of this we have already begun our study around animal groups in The Living World Strand.This will lead into aspects of lifecycles , sustainability of species, environments and our contribution as "people" to these issues.
By the enthusiasm already I think we have some budding David Attenborough's in the making.

A reminder we will all need sunhats by next week and any new clothing please can you name these or use my pens at school to do so.Should any of your child's clothing go missing, just check our clothes basket first. If left outside I put them in there.

Well here is to a happy and exciting term and the attached photo shows we are on the way.....
Yes we do have fun at school even Bernie!

Room 9 with Bernie and Humpty ! Aren't  they a good looking bunch?

Friday, 7 October 2016

Term 4

Term 4 everyone and despite the weird holiday weather, the days are getting warmer and SUMMER is on it's way. We have a full 10 week term this time with only the Labour Day break as a holiday. The Student Led Conference day is in week 9 on the Friday. So circle Friday the 9th of December on your calendars.
 We will be covering a Sustainability Theme this term with a look at "The Living World" in particular Life Cycles and Animal groups. Our final Art for S.L.C. will also be around this theme.

Weeks 4-7 we will also have a teacher joining our class Her name is Teresa Brown so do say Hi if you see her before I can introduce you. Don't forget!! Junior Disco on Friday the 11th of November a social highlight I am sure, for everyone including me. What will I wear??????

Week 8: This is when we will be sharing the School Assembly with room 18. We intend to do our "Its a small world dance"  then, so Monday the 28th of November at 1.30pm is your chance to see your darlings in action should you wish to.

As you can see it will be a full on term with lots of love, laughter and learning and as it's my last term with your child a very special one for me.
 The room is ready, Bernie is preened and poised for action, tables set  ...... So let the term begin, see you all on Monday.
Mrs McLaughlin
Ps Don't forget your sunhats!

Friday, 16 September 2016

The children were the stars and I hope they continue in their life accepting and appreciating others from around the World. A tremendous end to a really enlightening unit of work with them this term.
A future United this space!

The Grandparents Concert...
Well it was a great success with all the classrooms entertaining us with their different dances.
Room 9 you were amazing and waited so patiently for your turn. A huge thankyou to all our last minute helpers who got us there in time and of course our Grandparents who came and watched.
I am attaching photos from the day I think the smiles say it all!

Mrs Klomp came in for all of our children whose Grandparents were  unable to attend....a real treat for her.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

week 8 and one more sleep till.....

Hi everyone .
No doubt you have been well informed about our build up to the grandparents concert tomorrow and ONLY 1 more sleep to go!  Yes they have all worked hard and looked delightful in their costumes. I know many parents have requested to come tomorrow, but the day is only for the grandparents.
However today we had a costume check and I  have included a photo taken this morning to give you a snippet of how they looked. A huge thanks to all the parents who have helped, donated and loaned pieces to transform them all into our version of the UNITED NATIONS!!!
Ready for our Grandparents concert 2016

PS. let the grandparents from overseas know about the photo and hopefully a short video once we have had the concert videoed.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Term 3

Hello to everyone  another busy term, but with the added bonus of the days getting longer and warmer. We started our term with Miss Murphy a third year student teacher. Unfortunately she succumbed to Tonsilitis in her second week and as a result had to cancel her teaching experience with us to get better. She related well to the children and we all wish her well for her next placement. 
Topics to be covered this term include Keeping Ourselves Safe, The Olympics, Dance and the Grandparents Concert.
 For K.O.S. we began the term with a visit from the Fire Brigade, which they all loved! and last week we had a lesson with Constable Viv. As part of our class programme we have talked about staying safe, who or where to go to in an emergency, lost, or feeling frightened and to help me can you ensure your child knows their address, your phone number and places to go to in emergencies. Every family will be slightly different and at school I model what we do "At School' in such circumstances.
The Olympics have also been covered, starting with some history and a Geographical angle. With so many children having backgrounds from different countries we have made a feature of this. They have enjoyed looking at the different  dress, schools , languages and everyday practises from these countries and the aim is make them see although we are different we really are the same inside with the same needs. 
Watching some highlights of sports at the Olympics has broadened their view on sports and recognise the commitment and perseverence needed to achieve at such a high level. The idea has now extended to our Grandparents concert where we are working on a song "It's a small world" with all the children dressed in National Costume. If you can help out in any way here please let me know! 
Folders will also be coming home before the end of term and this would be a timely time, to go home when Grandparents are here. Please can these be returned by the end of term.

Calendar Art the children have designed these around the Olympics and I have photographed them  for you to view. The Originals are held at the office to view in person. 

Sickness We have had alot of sickness  in the class this term. Tonsilitis and chest infections, conjunctivitis and suspected Glandular fever all which in a classroom environment can quickly spread A  huge thankyou to those parents who have kept their child at home until well. Some children are so tired and sick they are falling  asleep in class . While I understand you may work and have difficulty getting homecare for a sick child we are unable to give the best care for your child at school. Apart from passing bugs on to other families, coming back too soon does undermine  both their resilience and learning. Hopefully the worst is over this term but please keep your child home if they are not themselves  and possibly sickening for something.

Lauren Chepulis: You may be aware Lauren and her family have gone to Canada for 3 months.and will be back in November. hopefully we can either Skype or Facetime Lauren so she can share her experience of school in another country. 

Grandparents concert: Many of you have enquired if parents may attend the concert. The answer is unfortunately NO! we just do not have the room and this day is to celebrate the unique relationship we have with our Grandparents. Children who do not have grandparents here don't miss out, as Mrs Maud (ESOL teacher) comes along as a special Grandparent. 
* We are on School Assembly in term 4 and I hope to do the item for assembly, where you may want to come along and see your child perform.

Heres to a great Spring, blossoms are out already, daffodils up and 4 weeks till daylight saving!

Calendar Art


Friday, 8 July 2016

Week 10

Well the end of the term has come so quickly and as you can see on the last day we had lots of fun on our Silly Hat Day.
Cameron Herbert celebrated his 6th birthday on the last day of term ....with some very yummy Minion  cup cakes.

Have a wonderful holiday break everyone and I will see you all refreshed in term 3!

Saturday, 25 June 2016


Bookweek was busy, really exciting with activities, visitors and entertainment and of course our Book Character "Dress Up Day" which  was lots of Fun!
Although a little dark the photo doesn't do justice to the work and imagination that had gone in to all the  costumes. Well Done room 9.

Tuku Tuku Panels

The Tuku Tuku panel activity was quite a challenge so we came back to school to complete ours.
Here are some photos to show how proud they were on finishing them. A real testament to their perseverence.

Dara Shares his finished project.

Lauren shares her completed Tuku Tuku Panel

The class with their completed work ( some children had completed but were absent )