Hello to everyone another busy term, but with the added bonus of the days getting longer and warmer. We started our term with Miss Murphy a third year student teacher. Unfortunately she succumbed to Tonsilitis in her second week and as a result had to cancel her teaching experience with us to get better. She related well to the children and we all wish her well for her next placement.
Topics to be covered this term include Keeping Ourselves Safe, The Olympics, Dance and the Grandparents Concert.
For K.O.S. we began the term with a visit from the Fire Brigade, which they all loved! and last week we had a lesson with Constable Viv. As part of our class programme we have talked about staying safe, who or where to go to in an emergency, lost, or feeling frightened and to help me can you ensure your child knows their address, your phone number and places to go to in emergencies. Every family will be slightly different and at school I model what we do "At School' in such circumstances.
The Olympics have also been covered, starting with some history and a Geographical angle. With so many children having backgrounds from different countries we have made a feature of this. They have enjoyed looking at the different dress, schools , languages and everyday practises from these countries and the aim is make them see although we are different we really are the same inside with the same needs.
Watching some highlights of sports at the Olympics has broadened their view on sports and recognise the commitment and perseverence needed to achieve at such a high level. The idea has now extended to our Grandparents concert where we are working on a song "It's a small world" with all the children dressed in National Costume. If you can help out in any way here please let me know!
Folders will also be coming home before the end of term and this would be a timely time, to go home when Grandparents are here. Please can these be returned by the end of term.
Calendar Art the children have designed these around the Olympics and I have photographed them for you to view. The Originals are held at the office to view in person.
Sickness We have had alot of sickness in the class this term. Tonsilitis and chest infections, conjunctivitis and suspected Glandular fever all which in a classroom environment can quickly spread A huge thankyou to those parents who have kept their child at home until well. Some children are so tired and sick they are falling asleep in class . While I understand you may work and have difficulty getting homecare for a sick child we are unable to give the best care for your child at school. Apart from passing bugs on to other families, coming back too soon does undermine both their resilience and learning. Hopefully the worst is over this term but please keep your child home if they are not themselves and possibly sickening for something.
Lauren Chepulis: You may be aware Lauren and her family have gone to Canada for 3 months.and will be back in November. hopefully we can either Skype or Facetime Lauren so she can share her experience of school in another country.
Grandparents concert: Many of you have enquired if parents may attend the concert. The answer is unfortunately NO! we just do not have the room and this day is to celebrate the unique relationship we have with our Grandparents. Children who do not have grandparents here don't miss out, as Mrs Maud (ESOL teacher) comes along as a special Grandparent.
* We are on School Assembly in term 4 and I hope to do the item for assembly, where you may want to come along and see your child perform.
Heres to a great Spring, blossoms are out already, daffodils up and 4 weeks till daylight saving!
Calendar Art
it look fun