Monday, 29 February 2016

Week 5

A huge thankyou to all the parents who helped and offered their help on Friday for the Gala. 
It was a particularly hot day that day and a real indication of  your commitment working on those hot BBQ's, especially after a days work. 
Hopefully you all enjoyed the night and managed to share some quality time with your children. I'm sure there were a few very tired children (and adults) that night! It sounds like splat the teacher was popular as were the rides. 
Next week we begin our water safety programme. We are on the Monday and Tuesday afternoon from 12.15 -2.45pm and will be back at school for the bell. We will leave school by bus at 11.45am.
Please, can you ensure your child has their towel and togs in a separate plastic bag ( to save their books) and just a friendly reminder I am unable to take your child if their school fees haven't been paid.

Safety: ????
Some children are still coming to school, too early in the morning. Our school does have a rule that children shouldn't be there before 8.15am at the very earliest. I often have meetings or have resourcing to do and have often arrived prior to this time with children in the room left unsupervised, some in tears as others are running around inappropriately. 
While the back door is unlocked to the corridor should it be raining, no children are allowed to be in rooms without an adult for safety reasons. Even during  our wet days and interval times we have duty teachers and monitors there for this very reason.
 Please help us with this, as I am concerned when children are left alone. I work late after school to ensure I am there to greet your child and make them feel welcomed, safe and happy for their learning day. 
Nadine McLaughlin.

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