Monday, 11 April 2016

Week 11 

Week 11 and we are fast approaching the end of an extremely busy and exciting term. Your child has brought their folder home to share with you showing their academic growth and how well they are settling into the learning year. (This now needs to be brought back ready to add things for next term).please keep the term report though. Thankyou to those who have already done this (:-)

To help maintain your child's progress in literacy I will be sending home a reading Challenge for the holidays. PLEASE!!!! this is entirely optional and  at your discretion
Children who do complete this Challenge will earn 5 stickers towards their personal sticker charts. We have completed 2 of these activities already so the children can do these independently. 

At this stage of the term I would like to give a warm thanks to all the parents, nanas, and caregivers who have helped this term. No matter how big or small the help. Please believe me  it is really appreciated. Galas, trips, reading at night, PMP and writing help  etc doesn't just  happen without your input. 

Please check out our new "Cat in the Hat"" gallery of readers.....when next in  the class. As part of a mini literacy focus we are enjoying the magic of Dr Suess. You might already of heard anyway from your child. Well enjoy your child as I have this term and have a restful time.  I intend to as I spend some quality time with my husband Tony over the next few weeks.
Looking forward to Term 2. 
Until then 
Nadine McLaughlin.

1 comment:

  1. Great to be able to keep up to date with Dara and room 9 , thanks from Dara's grandparents in Ireland
