Saturday, 2 September 2017

Creating habitats for plants...can this be done?

 Yes, a question we have been looking at in our class.
We know plants need carbon dioxide to thrive and sunlight to produce their own food but can we create a safe environment for them???
To find out we have created two Terrariums in the class to test our ideas. One is a bush/forest habitat. The second is a desert habitat. We googled if this could be done and found the materials needed to create a natural habitat. 1 man has done this and it has lasted 40 years!
Below are some photos to show what we have done so far.
First we created a rock layer, like the earths crust.

Then we put in layers of crushed rocks (sand) to help with drainage.

We then put in Charcoal to help filter and  keep the water and soil clean

Compost and soil was then put in for the plants to have nutrient to feed on.
We then planted shade loving plants like ferns and mosses.

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