Thursday 30 April 2015

Museum Trip

Week 2 
We  have had an awesome start to the term with the children settling in well and already showing progress in their reading . Well done to all those children who now have a new Keyring ! 
The week started with Mrs Weir in the room as I was testing.
You will have received last Friday your childs' folder with work in it covered so far in the year. Thankyou for those who have already returned these. We do now need them back as work will be added continually during the year.
Hopefully you have also managed to book for the 3 way interviews. See me if you are struggling to get on the site.

Today was a special day with our Museum trip, which was a great morning. The children enjoyed the visit and got many ideas from it to help with our unit on Maori games and Toys. They even met Bernards mum (Mrs Liley) who gave us our Bernie Bear!
 A huge thankyou also to all the parents who gave up their precious time and came . It really helps, to do the "extras" with your  eyes and hands to help.
So attached are some of the photos from the day...enjoy (But do check them out in class too)

On the way on the bus

Meeting Mrs Liley at the Museum

 Maori Games and Toys
Spinning Tops


Jai on the stilts

All listening with our listening ears!

Looking around the museum

Views of Rotorua from the top of the roof.


Wednesday 22 April 2015

Move to Room 9.!

Week 1 Term 2:
Well we are still having connection issues however I am putting these latest photos up. We have all come back happy and healthy. Everyone has worked hard and maintained our writing and reading levels (yee ha!) We also welcome Julia and her family to Otonga School. She has come from Tauranga and we hope she has a wonderful time with us. 
Autumn has finally begun to change our beautiful trees to a lovely golden colour, especially the cherry trees lining Jackson Park. 
We are now in room 9 and enjoying the new room. Our timetable will remain the same and we still sit for lunch and share activities with the rest of the year 1 team so it's business as usual.
We do have another new class member "Bernard" an adorable bear gifted to room 9 by Mr Liley as a class warming present. He is a little fragile so we will take extra care of him. However he has proved a great hit and very useful as a cuddler in the morning for the class. Georgia in particular loves him!
He really is adorable and I'm told he "smiles" when they sit on him and give him a cuddle!

Remember our class trip next Thursday to the museum. Thankyou for those people who have offered help so far. We will need at least another 2 adults to meet our ratio commitments for the trip so please let me know if you can help from 9.00am -10.30 am next Thursday morning. 
Also please don't forget to book your 3 way interview time. Just let me know if you have any troubles booking.
Until then 
Nadine McLaughlin.

Well Term 2 on the horizon and Yes we are well prepared for our move to room 9. Our last job is to link up the page to room 9 on the school website. 
In our last week we have had 2 girls join us,  Amber and Georgia. So a huge welcome to our class. 
Here is Amber on her birthday sharing her special day.with the class and a "happy Birthday" song.

Week 1